We must protect and strengthen our public schools throughout Wake County. Our schools are a vital part of our economy, attracting major companies and producing our future labor force and leaders. Below are goals I will support.
Increase local school funding to ensure we have the best schools in the nation. Funding public schools should be a top priority of the County Commission.
Improve classroom instruction and management by adding more teacher assistants in the grades K-3 and work to reduce classroom size in grades 4 and 5. Provide local support to expand Pre-K slots to all of eligible children in Wake County. I want every child to come to kindergarten ready to learn.
Improve school safety, school climate and working conditions for our teachers and students. One key way is to increase the number of counselors, social workers, school psychologists, and school nurses in schools based on national standards. We have a critical need for more professionals to help our children cope with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), to intervene when students are struggling academically and to help students develop better relationships with their peers and families that could reduce bullying or other conflicts. Research shows how these helping professionals improve a child’s chance to live a more productive and healthy life. For many children, school is the only safe and stable place in their lives. I want to make sure that all children have the resources they need to succeed at school and throughout their lives.
A high-quality of life in a large, growing urbanized area depends on a well-run and cost-effective transit system.
Transit is essential and transportation choices must be convenient, accessible, and affordable. Our community benefits when there are extensive transportation choices to support job and economic growth while protecting the environment.
I will support a comprehensive regional transit system, including expanded bus services, fixed rail corridors and local circulators to ensure we have efficient travel options. I will work with our municipalities to ensure that the county supports their specific, local plans and will work to increase transit funding from the State of North Carolina, the federal government and a mixture of local funding sources.
I will support looking for ways to entice more to use our buses. I am pleased that free transit passes will be offered to students 18 and under. Hopefully, this helps reduce the burden on our current public schools transportation services.
Affordability and Livability: Strengthen Wake’s working families
We must connect people with resources and solutions so we can all live, work, play and learn in a strong, thriving and healthy community. We need to keep out county affordable and livable ensuring that Wake County is an inclusive and accommodating place for all residents. The County’s programs, initiatives, and services must aim to ensure that all people living in Wake County can meet their basic needs. Below are a few of the goals I will work to implement.
Affordable Housing
Families are struggling to find affordable and stable housing in our community. Our County government needs policies and incentives that expand housing options for everyone. I will work to partner with other municipalities and charitable organizations.
Prioritize services and programs for the aged and our most vulnerable children.
Many of our families are missing out on our County’s prosperity. We need to put renewed emphasis on needed human services. County government needs to focus on people as its core business.
Raise the minimum wage for all county paid employees (this includes our school system’s employees). Anyone who works for our citizens should receive a livable wage.
Our children are our future, and they deserve our best right now.
Vickie Adamson will put our childrenand their schools first.
Vickie will ensure that schools have adequate resources and fund support systems to help children succeed, including counselors, social workers, psychologists, and nurses.